BG Products
Oil change with BG – the science of a long, happy automotive life
BG Products, Inc. is dedicated to making vehicles last longer and perform better in the meantime and that’s why we use them when we change your oil. Every business day more than 100,000 shops, dealerships and technicians worldwide use BG services, tools and equipment. BG’s offerings have resulted from decades of research and close interaction with automotive professionals on the job. In partnership with an international family of distributors, BG serves the driving public with innovative products and proven programs of automotive maintenance. With BG in your engine, your oil change becomes a way to extend engine life.
In automotive, industrial, and heavy-equipment applications, BG items have shown themselves to be innovative, well made, protective of the environment, and attuned to the task at hand. They perform as promised. They do the job.

Lifetime engine protection with BG oil, now available at Plantation Tune Tech