Posted on 12/20/2016

Cold weather is cruel to batteries. We're seeing a lot of people in Boise come in with weak and dead batteries as temperatures get into the single digits. Through Feb. 28, get up to a $20 VISA rebate card when you purchase a qualifying NAPA battery. According to Industrial Battery Products, lead acid battery capacity drops about 20% from normal in freezing weather and it loses half its power when temperatures sink to about -22 degrees F. If that's not bad enough, your battery has more work to do in cold weather. When an engine is cold, the oil is thicker and the engine is much harder to turn over. At the same time, people are using accessories like the heater, seat warmer, defrosters and wipers. Even if the battery is new, cold weather can reduce ts capacity to where it can't start the car. The alternator, which recharges the battery, might not be ... read more
Posted on 11/11/2016

So you need to move a car? Thanks to our association with Budget truck rental, we have a car moving trailer. Car restorers especially, as it ensures the best possible treatment for your car. One of our car trailers
Posted on 11/11/2016
So you need to move a car? thanks to our association with Budget truck rental
Posted on 5/22/2016

At Plantation Budget Truck Rental get really excited about helping people move. Yeah, that's not too exciting to most people - until they need to move. Then, you really want people who are passionate about moving and have lots of experience. Budget Truck is the second largest truck rental company in the continental United States with around 2,800 businesses and 32,000 trucks across the country, and we are proud to provide a full line of moving supplies and tips to help you move. We have trucks 12-feet, 16-feet and 26-feet in length. We have newer trucks with great features, including translucent roofs and wood floors. The roofs let in light during the day and the wood floors are gentler with the contents (and they're easy to replace when worn out). Also, our truck beds are mounted so there is no "wheel hump" inside, like you see in other brands of rental trucks. So loading and unloading is much easier and there's more space for cargo ... read more
Posted on 1/1/2016
Why not have some New Year's resolutions for your car? This is a good list of auto care resolutions from 1. Get your vehicle's body into shape Most people resolve to get their body into better shape in the New Year. Why not make the same resolution for your vehicle? A simple vehicle maintenance regime -- including measuring your tire pressure, checking for leaks once a month, taking your vehicle in for regular tune-ups and reading the owner's manual -- will help you save money and fuel, and protect the environment. Maintenance regimes vary widely from one vehicle to another so check with the manufacturer of your vehicle and find a trained automotive professional to tune up your vehicle. 2. Be a fuel-efficient driver Relax behind the wheel. Aggressive driving and speeding can increase your fuel consumption by as much as 35 percent. Slowing down, giving ... read more