Posted on 11/1/2014

During November, stop by Plantation Tune Tech and receive a set of NAPA wiper blades for your car for only $2 each. Comparable wiper blades cost $8 each. We'll even install them for you for free. We will ask you to provide your email address so we can send you updates about our services, including special offers like this. It's a good idea to get new wiper blades annually. Boise is a fairly dry place but still, we get out fair share of rain and snow and it really starts in November. Each year, many accidents happen because of dirty windshields. And a main cause of dirty windshields is worn wiper blades. Wiper blades are actually very delicate. They're thin, exposed strips of soft rubber. One of the worst things you can do is run them over frosty or icy windshields. That will grind them down and roughen them, so when you turn them on to wipe off water, they will leave streaks and gaps. Even if you don't run wipers over frost, they will eventually get worn out. So, stop by toda ... read more