Posted on 5/28/2014

We do a fair number of repairs to antique and vintage cars, mostly engine repairs and transmissions. We enjoy working on old cars because it's a different skillset. Because there's not a lot of electronics, you have to become an old-school mechanic. You can't plug the car into a computer and have it tell you exactly what's wrong, so you have to listen and feel. They're easier to work on - there's usually a lot of room in the engine compartment to get around - but it can be a challenge to find parts for them. ... read more
Posted on 5/18/2014
remove old logo from bottom of main page in masthead, remove ac delco, certified auto, ASA and move these three to the bottom instead of the old logo at the bottom. so leave budget truck, bg and ase remove napa truck service service center remove the napa auto care center horizontal logo and replace it with a squarish logo remove the words "professional, complete automotive care and maintenance" and in its place put the squarish Napa logo. leve the adress and phone number So, when everything is done: on the left hand side would be: the bg badge and ASE and budget truck, same size, all stacked move the main logo to the left, fill the space on the right, abov theaddress, with the sqarish napa logo,